The Fix Price retail chain has updated its retail and business processes in the Russian stores. The retailer has achieved sustainable operation of more than 13,300 cash registers using one central server, accelerated the customer service in the stores by 11 %, twice reduced the time for launching its promos, and, in average, now saves 290 kilometers of the receipt tape per week.
The POS software solution previously installed in the Fix Price retail outlets had worked unstably, and the update was not centralized. The sales information had been uploaded to the ERP system with many discrepancies, which took a lot of time and resources for the retailer’s IT specialists to eliminate.
Also, the POS software solution was updated and the mass revaluations were performed manually. Modest loyalty mechanics did not meet the needs of the marketing department. A lot of functions essential for the retailer were missing, and the improvements took a lot of time.
Fix Price was considering a new POS software solution:
with a wide range of functions and loyalty tools,
with clear and sustainable operation, and
with no servers in stores.