The Set Prisma system helps to recognize more than 100 types of the checkout violations
Fake return of goods
Incorrect product return operations – without actual presence of the returned product or without the presence of the buyer.
Watching the goods return cases
Using the employee’s own discount card
Employee does not close the receipt and waits for the buyer to leave, then uses his/her own loyalty card and keeps the difference between the paid amount and the total amount of the receipt
Watching the cases when one and the same loyalty card was used frequently — for example, more than twice during the day.
Skipping goods when selling group packages
Cashier scans the barcode from one item in a group package (spike) and does not change the quantity of items. As a result, only 1 item appears in the receipt.
Watching the cases with product groups that fall into the risk zone entered into the system.
Selling the wrong product
Cashier sells the wrong product having made a mistake when manually entering the product code. As a result, goods regrading takes place – one product is sold as a different product.
Watching the cases of manual product code entries.
A mistake when changing the quantity of products
Cashier gives the products away for free making a mistake when entering the quantity of products (for example, entering 55 instead of 5), he/she deletes the wrong number, but does not enter a new one moving on to the next product.
Watching the cases of change in the quantity of products when the products are not present in the following receipt.
Opening the cash drawer when there is no payment
Opening the cash drawer for no reason when the cashier can keep unaccounted money.
Watching the cases when the cash drawer is opened while there is no payment.
Printing out X-and Z-reports after working hours
Generation of X-and Z-reports in chaotic manner, for example, when the cash register is checked for unaccounted money.
Watching the cases of X- and Z-report printing while filtering by cashier shift handover time — pay attention to the middle, not the end, or the beginning.
Accepting a high-denomination banknote without banknote identification
All high-denomination banknotes must be checked to avoid receipt of counterfeit banknotes.
Watching the purchases when payments were made in high-denomination banknotes.
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Get a presentation. Examples of violation detection in Set Prisma